Quadoa® Optical CAD v24.05.1
Download Quadoa® Optical CAD v24.05.1 for Windows
Download Quadoa® Optical CAD v24.05.1 for Linux
Changelog v24.05
NEW: Birefringent materials for optical elements
NEW: Birefringent coatings
NEW: Loop operator for coating layers
NEW: Math expression thin-film layer
NEW: Surface scattering (Lambertian, Gaussian, ABg)
NEW: Filter option during ghost generation to keep only those with the highest impact
NEW: Added some missing functions to Python/MATLABĀ® wrapper
NEW: Diffraction limit in encircled energy plot
NEW: Monte Carlo plot data export
NEW: Added warning when surface is not supported in 3rd party export
NEW: FFT/Huygens PSF/MTF fully consider polarization
NEW: FFT/Huygens PSF/MTF accuracy increased and optimized for high NA lenses
NEW: E-Field optimization goal
NEW: Option to show surface normals in 3D View
CHG: Equation to convert fringes to radius error in tolerancer changed according to ISO (see manual)
FIX: Apodization can be unnormed again
FIX: Coatings got ignored in some cases in the last version
FIX: Wavelength in plots not updated correctly when defined by multi-config
FIX: Rayfile can be used in optimization even if the chief ray cannot be traced but some rays make it through
FIX: MTF x-axis scale for large apertures
FIX: Crash on CSV import for large files
Changelog v24.05.1
NEW: CODE V and ZMX file import added to Python and MATLABĀ® wrapper
FIX: Image simulation with decentered image space and vignetted rays at border fixed
FIX: Extended optimizer did not always apply best result
FIX: Bug where 2D interpolation tables with dimensions x!=y did not work properly
FIX: Bug where extended optimizer could lose fields in combination with image height fields
FIX: Diffraction limit for MTF displayed wrong for systems with image space in medium other than air
FIX: Import of manually edited files where the merit function got duplicated and therefore the merit-id wasn't unique
FIX: Apertures from catalog lenses were ignored
FIX: Crash on merit-function with uninitialized ray file
FIX: Crash of interpolation table with uninitialized ranges
FIX: Bound constraints were still applied when disabled
CHG: Additional parameter to functions in wrapper that concern merit functions to select the merit function added
Sentinel Quadoa® Runtime Vendor Library
Sentinel HASP/LDK Dongle Runtime Driver
License Installation- and Activation Guides
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