Quadoa® Optical CAD v23.10.2
Download Quadoa® Optical CAD v23.10.2 for Windows
Download Quadoa® Optical CAD v23.10.1 for Linux
Changelog v23.10
NEW: Lenses can thermally expand with temperature changes according to the materials TCE
NEW: Optimization target for MTF (Huygens, FFT and Geometric)
NEW: Show multiple configurations at once in 3D-View
NEW: Merit function 2D/3D Plot
NEW: RMS Wavefront Error and RMS Spotradius over field plot
NEW: Gaussian Beam PSF Plot and Gaussian Beam Interferorgam Plot
NEW: Better handling of plot error messages
NEW: Hexagonal array operator
NEW: Beamlet Propagation now also supports sequences with Gaussian Beam Source
FIX: Beamlet Propagation more robust and working with all fieldtypes
FIX: Bug where lenses were renamed after drag and drop
FIX: Position dependant coating did not work correctly for non orthogonal incidence
FIX: Crash related to Lookup table items (e.g. Angle/Wavelength dependant coating)
FIX: Several smaller fixes
Changelog v23.10.1
NEW: Fiber Coupling Efficiency Optimization Targets
NEW: Enclosed Energy Optimization Targets
NEW: Parabolic Random Distribution for Tolerances
NEW: Polychromatic value for RMS Wavefront and Spotsize over Field Plot
FIX: Crash on Zernike Tolerance
FIX: Apodization in Wave Optics was slightly off in some cases
Changelog v23.10.2
NEW: Duplicate Plots
NEW: Elliptic Gaussian Beam
NEW: Extended Source Types for Gaussian beams and SM / MM fibers
FIX: Fiber Coupling efficiency calculation was wrong in some cases
FIX: Crashes in some plots when all rays were vignetted
FIX: Flipping elements with lookup parameters on shape or aperture allowed now
Sentinel Quadoa Runtime Vendor Library
Sentinel HASP/LDK Dongle Runtime Driver
License Installation- and Activation Guides
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Windows Trial Quadoa® Optical CAD v23.10.2
Linux Trial Quadoa® Optical CAD v23.10.1